Corporate governance

LOLC (Cambodia) Plc. recognizes the importance of corporate governance in supporting the company’s sustainable growth, enhancing the efficiency, creating lasting positive impact on the communities it serves while at the same time generating stakeholder value, and securing trust for all stakeholders including shareholders, customers, staff, and the general public. The Board of Directors supports and encourages the adoption and implementation of good corporate governance policies, together with a Code of Conduct and business ethics.

Shareholders Meeting

The general meetings of the shareholders shall be held at least once a year but no later than 15 months after the previous general meeting. A written notice of general meeting shall be sent to the shareholders at least 30 days prior to the meeting by specifying the date, time, location in Cambodia and agenda of the meeting. Quorum of general meeting of shareholders shall be the number of shareholders present in person or by proxies who represent two third of the total shares of the company.

Board of Directors

Selection of Directors

Any qualified natural person who is 18 years of age may serve a position as director. A director shall not necessarily be a Shareholder. A director shall be elected by resolution approved by majority of the votes cast by all Shareholders in the General Meeting. A director may receive remuneration for his/her service as determined in the General Meeting of the Shareholders. Any member of the Board of Directors shall obtain a prior approval from the National Bank of Cambodia before being appointed.

No Name Position
1 Mr. Brindley Chrishantha Gajanayake De Zylva Chairman
2 Mr. Francisco Kankanamalage Conrad Prasad Nirosh Dias Director
3 Mr. Dulip Rasika Samaraweera Director
4 Mr. Hans Michael Theodor Moormann Independent Director
5 Mr. Indrajith Wijesiriwardana Independent Director

Board Meeting

Board meetings are held quarterly. At each meeting, the directors review the performance of the company. The board is also kept informed of developments in the financial sector, including changes in statute or regulations, and how they could impact the company. Regular board papers reporting on performance and compliance are reviewed and discussed alongside special board papers that cover non-routine matters.